luni, 29 iunie 2009

2008.11.11 Carried by the Waves of the Poplars

farewell of a moment
(carried by the waves of the poplars)

You – the unexhaustible well – the more I drank from its water, from its poison, the sweeter it got; now I’m brought out from beneath the shadows of the poplars and there’s no one to quench my thirst, and the water isn’t refreshing any longer.

I know my verses bother you/ I know my verses bore
but now I’m getting real
I hope you won’t pass through/ I hope you won’t ignore
either read it as real
or be it the last one!
be thou or be thou not
to me beauty’s godess
here’s what I’ve learned these days:
only in revery
seek for (ideal) eternal beauty!
though it sometimes comes true
death’s also said to do
if only we knew when!
my feelings may be harmed
so I avoid our tongue;
your feelings are the rain
which sometimes can refrain
a poplar blown by wind
which always comes and always goes
and that is why I chose
Shakespeare’s language to sing. (11 nov 2008)

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