sâmbătă, 3 octombrie 2009

2009.09.24 De Nihilo

· És el vint-i-quatre de setembre de dos mil nou, 12:00 / migdia=> ¡Festa! ¡Anem per a celebrar La Mercè! or

· Hi! It’s twelve o’ clock. “Do you know where your brain is?” (© YIM) – ‘cause I don’t.

Bon dia, Bonjour, ‘Neaţa, or however you want, because I can still find it confusing speaking even Romanian; I someday after three weeks of no contact with Romanian had the opportunity to speak it, and the weird. I should use Catalan (as it has fewer syllables, and that would be environmentally friendly after I conceive my perfectly successful book that people all over the world will be buying), French (because I have some francophone contacts at times), or maybe Romanian (because I’m supposed to know it the best, while people tell me “You should forget it!” or “I don’t want to hear foreign accent from you on Romanian!”), or maybe Spanish (well, even though la Generalitat de Catalunya pretends they are autonomous); instead, I use neither of those.

I really should enjoy the celebration of La Mercè now, but I am rooted here, ‘cause you know how a hangover is. ¡Anem a la ciutat per a celebrar! Yeah, sure, let’s sleep again.

Oui, c'est vrai, je seulement écris maintenant pour vous dire rien, o jo crec que això és només una grafomània, com a alguns els agrada dir. Est-ce que quelqu’un a quelque fois écrit sur Rien? C’est productif dans la même manière qu’un magasin donnerait aussi d’argent quand les produits seriaient vendus. C’est vrai, je vous conterai sur le Rien; comme je disais,

Jo sóc el no quan tu dius “yes”.

No passa res

si no m’entends.

Només flors negres

Sobre el cementeri de la meva men

I get to believe that I am my worst enemy.

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